Caring Hearts & Giving Spirits
Donation Drives
The Pelican Sound Charitable Foundation recognizes the generosity of the
community and the desire to conduct charitable donation drives in times of need. These include drives for food, hygiene products, clothing, etc. Leagues, informal groups or individuals that want to conduct a community-wide donation drive are welcome to submit an application to do so. The Foundation may be able to facilitate marketing the charitable event with the Caring Hearts & Giving Spirits email blasts, the SOCIAL WAVE, PS Upcoming Events, and the Club Calendar. The Foundation will work to balance the number of appeals to the community throughout the year.
Fundraising by Groups to Benefit the Foundation
The Pelican Sound Charitable Foundation is grateful for the generosity of groups that conduct projects that raise funds for the Foundation. Leagues, neighborhood associations, or other informal groups that want to raise funds are encouraged to submit an informational form to the Foundation to indicate their intent. The Foundation may be able to facilitate marketing the charitable event on the WAVE, Upcoming Events and the Club Calendar, or the group can use its own communication network. The Foundation will encourage balance in the number of appeals to the community throughout the year.